Programs are for Adults 18 yrs. and older. These programs include activities for leisure time and for health and Fitness. Fitness Programs require an Adult Medical Form to be on file in addition to the Adult Registration Form prior to the first time one attends the class. These forms can be found on the Register for Programs tab of our website or at the Bay View Community Center. Payment must accompany registration. To Register over the phone with a Visa or Mastercard please call (414) 482-1000.


Monday and Wednesday Evenings

5:30 – 8:30PM

Join us for a friendly game of cards. It’s Milwaukee’s favorite card game – Sheepshead. Our comfortable game room welcomes everyone age 18 and up – singles, couples, everyone. A basic knowledge of the game is all you need. When you play every week your game improves! Meet new people. Free beverages and snacks every week. Come anytime. Registration ongoing all Session. Bring a friend and start playing tonight.


Please contact us for more information on how to get involved!